Vaan IP | Bio

Vaan IP 葉梵


Artist Photo -  Vaan IP.jpeg

Vaan IP (b.1984) graduated at the Hong Kong Art School in 2009 with a higher diploma in Fine Arts, majoring in painting. In his earlier works, his paintings interact with his view of the city and his childhood memories. Ip’s art practice explores the relationship between himself, his home city, Hong Kong, and its people. The works not only convey the artist’s feelings, but also resonate with the audiences.

With his distinctive ideas, he began to develop his Lost City series. The series started with paintings, depicting the characteristics of a crowded city, both its unity and structure. Feeling trapped and lost in the rapidity and complexity of the city, Ip believes that one’s dreams—often represented by a kite in his work, are what keep one away from the troubles of their hustling, everyday life.

Later on, Ip extended his ideas into installation works. Using brass and stainless steel as materials to further emphasize on the architectural aspects of Hong Kong, he believes the medium delivers his vision of accomplishing one’s dream, so as to embrace the journey of life.

‘Do not let life bury your dreams’

葉梵出生於1984。 2009年畢業於香港藝術學院, 主修繪畫。在早期的繪畫作品中,他主要探索自己的童年回憶與居住地變遷的感受。

期後葉開始創作他的Lost City系列。他的創作意念利用統一和重複性的結構特點,描繪出一個個擁擠的城市,抒發其對城市的繁雜生活,使人有一種生活在牢籠的感覺。在葉的作品中,風箏代表每人的夢想,只要肯去尋覓丶堅持,夢想能引導迷失的人走出牢籠,實現理想!

近年,葉把Lost City系列發展成為雕塑作品。使用黃銅和不銹鋼作為材料,透過光影,進一步豐富其構思和意念上的效果和感覺!
