Sam CHENG | Bio&CV

Sam CHENG 鄭丹珊



Sam Cheng, a graduate of the Fine Arts Department at CUHK, achieved first-class honours in her BA degree. She specializes in the creation of still life and landscape paintings, through which she skillfully communicates her emotions towards everyday objects using the devices of irony and allegory. Cheng's artistic approach combines the meticulous and precise gongbi technique of traditional delineative painting with the depiction of contemporary subjects, resulting in a unique fusion that conveys her personal sentiments. Her modernized ink paintings possess a distinctly sentimental quality.

In her artistic narratives, Cheng employs linear lines to define the forms of her subjects. She adeptly utilizes ink washes to evoke layers of emotions and employs a diverse range of colour shades to enhance the expression of these feelings. By doing so, she establishes her own visual vocabulary to effectively communicate her emotions. Within her works, one can observe a harmonious trinity formed by contemplative ink strokes, gentle pastel shades, and dynamically modulated lines.

Overall, Sam Cheng's artistic style showcases her expertise in both traditional techniques and contemporary themes. Through her utilization of various artistic elements, she successfully conveys her personal feelings and creates a captivating visual experience for the viewer.

鄭丹珊,於香港中文大學藝術系取得一級榮譽文學士, 擅於描繪靜物及自然景象,以諷刺或象徵的手法寫畫出對身邊事物的情感。利用傳統工整細密的工筆技巧,加入一些現代化的新原素以及個人多愁善感的情感,塑造出富人性化的現代水墨畫。用線勾勒出經遇過的事跡;用墨沉澱/分染出不同層次的感受;用色罩染了情感的釋放。三者揉合成為一個和諧的整體,產生一種墨氣沉着端莊,色澤恬淡幽靜,線條剛柔並濟的新語言,浸透著人間的柔情。線,墨,色使其紙張更富意境和感染力,朦朧迷離的氣氛,更別具意蘊。