Leung Hoi Nga Livy (b. 1996) born in Hong Kong. She graduated in 2018 with a Degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. She was awarded AVA Keeper of Studies Collection by AVA, HKBU, Contemporary by Angela Li Award and Winsor & Newton Award in Fresh Trend 2018 Art Graduates Joint Exhibition.
She focuses on drawing, painting and material exploration, these mediums provided her with different experiences in making interesting narratives. Drawing and painting allow her to explore the interplay between consciousness and unconsciousness ; while the use of materials helps her to express the ineffable emotions.
Mismatched elements in daily life always intrigued Livy to construct a world between the reality and her personal fantasy. She recomposes her thoughts towards different incidents happening around her and amplifies her imaginary world as a form of expression and self-indulgence within her art practice.
梁凱雅認為現實過於完整而乏味,所以經常留意日常零碎的畫面,錯置的物件,作自我娛樂。創作以繪畫和物料探索為主,她喜歡繪畫能讓人留有含糊的狀態,可以放任意識遊走於有與無之間,可依靠感覺而行,憑空想像;又隨時能喚來理性,整理畫面。 而透過與物料互動,則讓她能表達不想直白的情感種種。兩種手法分別給予她具象與抽象的敘事體驗,從而建構一個屬個人幻想卻又與現實相連的空間。