LEUNG Yin-nei, Yenie | Bio&CV

LEUNG Yin-nei, Yenie 梁燕妮



 Back in 2013, Yenie chanced upon Chinese Ink Painting and was enchanted by the alluring aura of elegance displayed through the work of this technique.  Yenie’s passion for both music and painting has led her to believe that these two artistic expressions are deeply intertwined. With a sense of familiarity, she embarked on her journey of creativity.

Yenie’s artwork is characterised by the use of pale colours, which serve to enhance the elements of lightness and airiness. She hopes to evoke a sense of tranquillity in the viewer’s mind with her unique approach.

Through her artful creations, Yenie desires to offer a dimensional experience where one can retreat from the ambiguity and distractions of the world. A sanctuary that induces self-discovery, as well as a safe space where the viewer can hide from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

As she uses a special method of painting, her work tends to have a fabric-like texture, despite it being on paper. Each painstaking stroke adds up to produce a captivating weaving effect, mesmerising the viewer. This style is a testament to Yenie's dedication to her craft and her unwavering commitment to realising her artistic ambitions.


2015 - Graduated in Advanced Diploma Programme in Chinese Ink Painting

2022 - Diploma Programme in New Ink Art


2022 - UOB Art in Ink Competition (Abstract Open Category - Gold Award)


她自2013 年開始接觸中國水墨,被其氣韵豐富吸引着。亦發覺音樂與繪畫两者的靈魂本質很相通。所以學習畫畫其間,一直有似曾相識的感覺。

