Opening Reception | 9 May (Thu) 6 - 8:30 pm (Artist in attendance)
Galerie KOO is delighted to present "All that glitter is gold" by Claire Deniau. Originally, gold is a rare, precious, and divine material, reserved for worship and an emblem of wealth. These qualities are still relevant today, even though gold has also become a tool for consumption.
This exhibition presents a series of paintings where the subtle intervention of gold suggests a simple question: can gold still sublimate painting? In other words, does it retain its original meaning by elevating the work from noble to pure, or does it act as a mere enhancement ornament?
雍廷序畫廊誠意呈獻 Claire Deniau 的個展「閃閃金光」。黃金是一種稀有的,珍貴的,神聖的材料,專供崇拜和財富的象徵。儘管現在黃金成為了一種消費工具,但它所象徵的那種珍稀價值仍然維持至今。