Angelo BUONUMORI | Bio



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Angelo BUONUMORI was born in Perugia in 1946, where he now lives and works. At the age of seventeen he began to attend Perugia’s Academy of Fine Art, where he immediately displayed an interest in what were emerging art forms at that time, such as visual design and advertising graphics.

Thus, it was that he developed his talents in two parallel artistic spheres: figurative art and advertising graphics.

Angelo currently teaches “The theory and methods of advertising communication” at Perugia’s University for Foreigners.

1980s Angelo worked as Head of Design for a number of famous fashion labels, such as Nazareno Gabrielli and Igi & Igi. He subsequently opened his own advertising design studio, and many Italian companies from various different sectors have turned to his creative skills since then. In fact, the design of many brands currently on sale are the result of his artistic flair and imagination.



“ It was the monster of divine origin, lion head, chest of goat and dragon tail and mouth horrific blazes vomited of fire: and yet, with the favour of the gods, the hero extinguished…” (Iliad, VI, 180-184)

Chimera Greek …, kimaira, literally “goat”, in Latin Chimaera) is a mythological Monster created with body parts of different animals. The word Chimera is also used to represent baseless ideas, dreams, desires, fantasies and utopias of unrealistic illusions.

There are many fantastic creatures from the imagination of man other than the Chimera such as the Unicorn, the Harpy, Pegasus, the Dragon, the Minotaur, the Sphinx and so many more… animals that inhabit the mythology and magical stories.

Along this line of inspiration, the artist wanted to create a series of new “monsters” to people the great parallel universe of dreams. Or even nightmares, perhaps, but always with the fable and magical tone born from imagination and materializing through awe-inspiring and unseen before pictures.

It is the illusion of Mirage, a metaphor alluding to distant and goals seemingly unattainable if not through the dream-like hope. It is also a reflection on Art in all its complexity and its essence of ir-reality, the ir-realism of representation that immobilizes the visionary capacity of the author in a sort of a“freeze”. Basically a tribute to the vision hidden in Magritte’s irony looking at the unattainable frontiers of surrealism.