Alëna OLASYUK | Bio



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Alëna Olasyuk, born in Russia and raised in Ukraine, now considers China as her second home. She studied Fashion Media in Beijing, and has grown into an artist during eight fallowing years. Her works breathe an air of pureness and fineness, possibly due to Ukrainian origin of her art. Having gained a balance after numerous repetitions and constant endurance, her works look flat and not undulately sensational. Alëna has a special attachment to Chinese ink and Chinese black. Her series of mono color ink paintings mirror her interest in the deep essence of Chinese culture. In Chinese art, black and white reflect the relationship between things and represent aesthetics that have been determinative for it for countless years.They are two extremes in contrast and motional compensation in harmony. They are ultimate metaphysically inchromatic elements. The process of Alëna's composition is just like yoga in eastern world. It needs the coordination of body, soul and mind, which is similar to the spiritual discipline in Buddhism. Therefore, the process is more a spiritual discipline than just painting.